Solar Adoption Model

Project Market Uptake of Distributed Solar PV Under Various Technology, Economic and Policy Ccenarios
Dunsky’s Solar Adoption Model (SAM™) is designed to accurately project the market uptake of distributed solar PV under a variety of technology, economic and policy scenarios. Utilities, governments and other Dunsky clients across North America leverage SAM™ to:
- Forecast natural solar PV adoption within their service territories or jurisdictions;
- Assess the sensitivity of results to key market and technology uncertainties to enable risk-aware decisions;
- Evaluate the effectiveness of policies, programs and rate structures to accelerate adoption broadly or within target sectors;
- Quantify impacts for the utility (financial, economic, energy and peak demand);
- Quantify impacts for society (economic, emissions and employment); and
- Quantify the overall value of solar adoption for each territory or jurisdiction.
In addition to stand-alone solar deployment, SAM™’s storage module is used to assess the market potential for storage-paired solar deployment within the defined region based on different program options, dispatch strategies and market structures.
By combining a tried-and-tested methodological approach with extensive in-house expertise and use of local data and calibration, SAM™ has proven remarkably accurate in forecasting real-world adoption.
If your organization can benefit from accurate solar adoption analytics and insights specific to your region, get in touch with us to learn more.