EV-Ready Requirements for New Non-Residential Buildings in Richmond B.C.
October 3, 2023
Challenge: For the city of Richmond, B.C., facilitate appropriate access to EV charging through the development of EV-ready regulations for…

Accelerating the deployment of clean, efficient and flexible demand-side opportunities at scale
The building sector presents an opportunity to not only decarbonize its energy use, but also help decarbonize other sectors indirectly by releasing grid capacity. Both require a coordinated, multi-pronged approach that reduces energy consumption, enhances load flexibility, electrifies and switches fuels, and deploys local or networked clean energy solutions through a combination of voluntary and regulatory measures.
With extensive experience in building decarbonization, Dunsky employs a blend of deep building science, analytics and strategic insight to guide clients through effective decarbonization solutions, encompassing all technologies, market segments, and energy sources.
Efficiency is widely recognized as a cost-effective alternative to supply-side investments that helps lower customer bills, yet its role is evolving in the transition to a net-zero economy. While focus is now shifting to saving GHGs, a well as enhancing grid capacity where it is lower emitting but constrained, energy efficiency continues to deliver broader societal and non-energy benefits, making it a central pillar of the energy transition across all regional contexts.
We support clients in accelerating energy efficiency through:
Dunsky brings wide-ranging experience helping clients design and evaluate demand response (DR) strategies and flexible load strategies. We bring a deep understanding of related measures, programs and strategies, having supported dozens of utility and program administrators.
Our services include:
Decarbonizing heating is already complex, but having to do it quickly while considering system-level impacts and maintaining affordability makes it a significant, region-specific challenge. Our assessments explore opportunities for combinations of full and partial electrification, peak management, thermal and electric storage, renewable natural gas, thermal energy networks, and distributed generation.
Our services include:
October 3, 2023
Challenge: For the city of Richmond, B.C., facilitate appropriate access to EV charging through the development of EV-ready regulations for…
November 21, 2023
Challenge: To answer the question: how can the Quebec health care system achieve its objective of net-zero emissions by 2040?…
March 16, 2022
Dunsky is pleased to announce that it is conducting an assessment of transportation and building electrification impacts through 2045 for…
Lauren co-leads Dunsky’s Buildings practice, bringing a keen understanding of consumer behaviour and markets to her work. She has led some of Dunsky’s most high-profile program design and evaluation projects.
François co-leads Dunsky’s Buildings practice, bringing in-depth knowledge of energy efficiency programs and opportunities spanning the residential, commercial and industrial sectors.