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Dunsky is proud to have supported the City of Montreal and its partners in the development of its new 2020-2030 Climate Plan. The plan aims at 55% emissions reductions by 2030 (from 1990 levels), and carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Among other things, Dunsky supported the City with detailed modelling of the GHG emission reduction opportunities across all sectors of the city’s economy; by designing key measures of the plan – including both innovative financing and regulatory tools to slash emissions from critical sectors; and by quantifying the GHG impacts of critical measures addressed at both buildings and transportation. 

Key Climate Plan measures include:  

  • Existing Buildings: energy/GHG rating, disclosure and stepped performance requirements, along with a targeted financing initiative to make retrofits simpler and more accessible; 
  • New Buildings: revised building codes and regulations to decarbonize heating; 
  • Vehicles: measures to grow EV attractiveness, including significant parking advantages as well as growth in charging infrastructure; 
  • Others: measures to encourage active transportation, home energy retrofits, and an array of others. 

The plan was built through a unique partnership between the City and several non-profit foundations. 

Dunsky is proud of our work with municipalities large and small across Canada and the U.S. We support municipal climate action plans and programs, by modelling the options and designing strategies around energy efficient and low-carbon buildings, clean mobility and renewables. To find out more about our work, we invite you to reach out to us at

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