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Informing Government Action on Net-Zero and Fighting Climate Change

All levels of government – whether federal, state/provincial, or municipal – have a profound and direct influence on reducing climate warming emissions and the pace of the energy transition.

As catalysts and leaders, governments are responsible for setting targets, establishing regulatory frameworks, developing incentives, moving markets, convening stakeholders, and much more.

Dunsky supports governments at all levels by conducting cutting-edge research, sophisticated modelling, and rigorous analysis, and by offering nuanced, practical  advice.

Our Services

Through the development of clear policies and regulations, governments can move markets, spur innovation, drive market transformation and help us reach our net-zero targets.

Dunsky has supported governments at all levels with strategic counsel and analysis to accelerate the transition across energy, buildings, mobility, and industry.

Our services include:

  • Policy analysis and framework development
  • Regulatory review and analysis cost-benefit analysis
  • Codes and standards
  • Program design
  • Market-enabling strategies
  • Strategic evaluations
  • Equity analyses

Governments play multifaceted roles in decarbonization planning. Through establishing targets, policies, and regulations, they act as architects of change and influence markets. As owners of significant assets, they also have a leadership role to play in decarbonizing their own operations and contributing to GHG emission reductions.

We support governments at all levels with services at both the macro level (economy-wide decarbonization pathways) and the micro level (e.g., decarbonization of individual fleets and buildings).

Our services include:

  • Economy-wide and sector-specific decarbonization pathways
  • Forecasting market adoption and impact of key policy interventions
  • Technology assessments
  • Asset decarbonization planning (buildings and fleets)

Once targets and policies are set, governments are responsible for developing programs and enabling strategies to support them.

Dunsky helps government clients assess opportunities and design programs that are ambitious yet practical. We engage closely with industry and communities to ensure programs meet the needs of stakeholders, support equity, and achieve measurable success. We also evaluate these programs and identify areas for continuous improvement.

We have designed programs valued in the billions, which have collectively had significant impact in moving markets and influencing entire sectors.

Our services include:

  • Program feasibility assessment and design
  • Strategic evaluations
  • Market-enabling strategies
  • Equity analyses
  • Best practices reviews

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Featured Experts

Raegan Bond


Raegan brings a practical and highly personable approach to supporting clients’ goals. With over 20 years of experience in the energy sector, Raegan brings a proven ability to understand and bridge perspectives among diverse stakeholders and to build common ground.



Patricia Lightburn

Managing Consultant

With a strong understanding of the energy policy and regulatory frameworks needed to get to net zero, Patricia has worked for and with governments, corporations, NGOs and utilities across Canada.