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Our industrial clients are early movers who understand the need to balance risk with reward, and who care about moving to efficient, world-class low carbon operations.

Leveraging hundreds of projects focused on energy efficiency, peak management, fuel switching and CCUS, our team of experts guides clients through the technical, economic and market opportunities to decarbonize industry with a view to truly reducing emissions (not inadvertently offshoring them).

Our Services

We help clients to find opportunities for and accelerate the launch of energy efficiency initiatives ranging from HVAC optimisation to waste heat recovery.

Specifically, we help clients with:

  • Quantifying reduction potential of energy efficiency measures
  • Developing costed energy efficiency roadmaps
  • Identifying opportunities for peak management
  • Setting energy efficiency and GHG reduction targets
  • Business case analysis
  • Planning and projections

We take a tailored approach to helping clients understand their opportunities for fuel switching, taking into account practical considerations such as process requirements, timing, cost and how it integrates into broader decarbonization efforts.

Our services include:

  • Feasibility studies and market scans
  • Technology assessments
  • Cost-benefit analyses
  • Planning and projections

We help clients cut through the hype and understand the latest alternative processes and CCUS technologies (the good, the bad and the ugly), and how to leverage them for their business.

Our services include:

  • Feasibility studies and market scans
  • Technology assessments
  • Cost-benefit analyses

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Featured Experts

Kris Chapman

Technical Lead

Kris supports clients to identify opportunities and accelerate industrial and building energy efficiency. He also brings experience in process control and construction management.

Alexis Renaud-Bezot


Alexis co-leads Dunsky’s Corporate practice. He blends an engineering background with strong expertise in management consulting to help clients decarbonize and seize economic opportunities.