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Assess the Potential of Clean Heat Strategies Under Multiple Scenarios

Dunsky’s Heating Energy Decarbonization Model (HEAT™) model is designed to help our clients accurately assess the technical, economic, and achievable potential for Clean Heat strategies and programs in their jurisdictions. Utilities, governments and others leverage the power of HEAT™ to:

By combining sophisticated, hourly heat pump performance modelling with granular market data and a comprehensive catalogue of technology specs, HEAT provides accurate adoption forecasts that are highly specific to the local context. Paired with Dunsky’s in-depth knowledge of electrification options, costs, strategic insights and clear reporting, HEAT empowers our clients to make and defend informed decisions about their heating electrification programs, policies and strategies.

Heating electrification, when paired with other clean energy options, is critical to achieving climate and other goals nationwide. We invite you to ask us more about how HEAT™ can provide you with reliable and credible results that can be counted on for planning, regulatory and policymaking purposes.


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