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Research on the value of distributed generation can be leveraged by policymakers and regulators to support tariff development as DERs play an increasing role in decarbonizing and stabilizing the electricity grid 

The New Hampshire Department of Energy released a report by Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors that assesses the value of behind-the-meter (BTM) Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) that are owned by customers-generators and that are eligible to participate in net-metering in the state. The report is essential to understand the costs and system benefits that DERs bring to a utility grid to ensure appropriate net-metering compensation and to help the New Hampshire Department of Energy develop tariffs that accurately reflect DER value.  

To conduct this research, Dunsky assessed 17 value streams from DERs to determine their overall value to the electricity grid under an increasingly electrified future. We also prepared a detailed model of DER impacts to assess the hourly value of any DER over the coming decade.

The model developed for this work to determine avoided costs by technology and scenario is now available to the public, including to utilities and developers, who can input data from their systems to determine the avoided system costs those systems can be expected to deliver. Dunsky also conducted engagement sessions with the public and industry, to help validate the study’s methodology and results. 

In the past five years, Dunsky has conducted over 20 studies related to DERs across Canada and the US. We provide our clients with research and analysis needed to make investments and business decisions with confidence, including information to help ensure a decarbonized, stable electricity grid.   

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About Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors 

Founded in 2004, Dunsky supports leading governments, utilities, corporations and others across North America in their efforts to accelerate the clean energy transition, effectively and responsibly.

With deep expertise across the Buildings, Mobility, Industry and Energy sectors, we support our clients in two ways: through rigorous Analysis (of technical, economic and market opportunities) and by designing or assessing Strategies (plans, programs and policies) to achieve success.

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