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In November of 2021 the Halifax Regional Council adopted an Electric Vehicle Strategy that would reduce GHG emissions and position Halifax as a municipal leader in decarbonizing its transportation sector.

Dunsky is proud to have developed the EV Strategy with our client, the Halifax Regional Municipality, as part of its HalifACT climate action movement. The strategy addresses policy, technical and financial barriers to EV adoption and focuses on four major areas to guide the transition, including:

Public Charging Infrastructure

Identifying the number of chargers needed within the Halifax region, including specific recommendations on geographical locations, and overall cost estimates.

Electric Vehicle Policies

Recommendations on municipal and provincial policies that can help increase access to home charging.

Advocacy and Support

Critical actions that are outside of the Municipality’s direct control but for which it can advocate for, as well as educational partnerships.

Light Duty Fleet Electrification

The development of a roadmap for Halifax to electrify its 550 light duty vehicle fleet to achieve its 100% EV target by 2030 in the most cost effective and seamless manner.

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