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The RNCREQ, a Quebec-wide network of regional non-profits, recently launched a Renewable Energy Guide for Cottages and Resorts (available in French only). Martin Poirier, Senior Consultant at Dunsky, wrote the guide with the support of several contributors. The launch took place at the Centre for Sustainable Development in the presence of the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Pierre Arcand.

Clear and easy to consult, this sixty-page guide allows the reader to understand the basic mechanics behind renewable energy systems, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. It provides information on how to use these systems, with typical examples of consumption types and associated equipment, as well as a calculation tool to evaluate electricity needs. Finally, it promotes energy efficiency by giving advice on how to reduce consumption and thus decrease the investment cost.

This guide was designed specifically for owners, managers and builders of off-grid homes and buildings, that rely mainly on fossil fuels to meet their energy needs.

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