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Since Efficiency Nova Scotia’s inception in 2009, Dunsky has worked closely with the organization as it quickly evolved into one of North America’s energy efficiency leaders. On the heels of that success – as well as significant progress in cleaning its power generation mix – the government of Nova Scotia is now looking toward its transportation sector for new energy and GHG saving opportunities.

Nova Scotia turned to Dunsky’s new Sustainable Mobility team to identify opportunities for accelerating electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the province. The Dunsky team assessed best practices for EV integration into the electric grid. Indeed, vehicle-grid integration can help to turn EVs into flexible resources for the grid, either by varying when EVs charge, varying how quickly they charge, or even using EVs as a form of energy storage. These practices can not only help to minimize the impact of EV charging loads on the grid – thus alleviating the need for the dirtiest power plants – but can even be leveraged to help accommodate more intermittent renewables like wind and solar.

Dunsky’s work with the Nova Scotia Department of Energy is part of a broader push towards sustainable mobility for clients across North America. Dunsky is helping utilities and governments to identify the best opportunities for GHG reductions in the transportation sector, through electrification, but also car sharing, active transportation, transit, and other emerging solutions.

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