2% in Annual Donations

In past years, we have had the pleasure of supporting more than 70 such groups that, big or small, local or global, work hard to make our world a better place. Those organizations have included:
As a mission-driven firm, we believe in giving back, and do so in part by supporting non-profits who share our values and those of our clients. Every year, 2% of our gross revenue is donated to charities. In order to share the pleasure of giving, we also invite our clients to choose beneficiary organizations that are dear to them.
In past years, we have had the pleasure of supporting more than 140 such groups that, big or small, local or global, work hard to make our world a better place. Those organizations have included:
List updated as of February 2020:
- Against Malaria Foundation
- Alternatives
- Amis du lac Trousers
- Amnestie International
- Animal Advocacy Fund
- Animal Rescue Network
- Armée du Salut
- Association canadienne d’éducation
- Association du cancer (Est du Québec)
- BC Children’s Hospital
- Bedeque Bay Environmental Management Association
- Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ottawa
- Boise Valley Habitat for Humanity
- Breakfast Club
- Canadian Breast Cancer Society
- Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance
- Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (SNAP)
- Canadian blood services
- Centraide
- Centre NAHA
- Centre québécois du droit de l’environement
- Charity Water
- City of Toronto Animal Services
- Clean Air Task Force
- Clean Foundation Nova Scotia
- Clinique Juridique Mile End
- Coalition for Rainforest Nations
- Comité Social Centre-Sud
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ
- Conservation Council of NB
- Culture Link Cycling Program
- Dans la Rue, David Suzuki Foundation
- East Coast Environmental Law (ECELAW)
- Ecology Action Center
- Efficiency Canada
- Energie Solaire Québec
- Environment Jeunnesse
- Équiterre
- Esprit de Corps Foundation
- Extinction Rebellion – Quebec
- First Nations Child & Family Caring Society of Canada
- Fondation Esprit de corps
- Fondation Maison Michel-Sarrazin
- Fondation Movember
- Fondation YUNICK
- Fondation canadienne du rein
- Fondation de l’hôpital général de Mtl
- Fondation du CHUM
- Fondation du Centre jeunesse de Montréal
- Fort W Alive
- Friends of Algonquin Park
- Fédération de femmes de Québec
- Goodwill Industries of Alberta
- Grande Table
- Green Communities Foundation
- Habitat for Humanity
- Handicap International
- Haven
- Heifer International
- Horse for Hope -Labrador
- Ingénieur Sans Frontière
- Inside Education society of Alberta
- Institut de recherche et d’information socio-économique (IRIS)
- Inter Pares
- J’apprends Avec Mon Enfant
- Je passe partout
- Kids Help Phone
- L’Hirondelle
- L’Itinéraire
- La Maison d’Aurore
- La Planete s’invite a l’universite
- La Transformerie
- Le Bouclier d’Athena
- Lead Now
- Les amis du champs des possibles
- Leukemia & Lymphoma society of Canada
- Lifewater Canada
- L’itinéraire
- MacPhail Woods Ecological forestry Project
- Maison du developpement durable
- Malaria Consortium
- Moisson Montréal
- Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Movember Foundation
- Myles Ahead
- Advancing Child & Youth Mental Health
- Médecins sans frontières
- NDG Food Depot
- Native Friendship Centre of Montreal
- Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal
- Nature Conservancy
- NonViolent Peace Force
- North American Water Office
- Nova Scotia Nature Trust
- Oceana
- Old Mission Brewery
- Opportutoring,
- Oxfam
- Pacific Peoples’ Partnership
- Parrainage Civique Les Maronniers
- Pathways to Education – Passeport pour ma réussite
- Pembina Institute
- Pencils of Promise
- Petite Mains
- Porchlight Project
- Progress Place
- Québec Inclusif
- RAPSBC Cat Sanctuary
- Rainforest Nation
- Recolte
- Red Cross Canada
- Ruelle de l’avenir
- SOS Mediterranean
- Santropol Roulant
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Sierra Club Canada Foundation
- Solar Foundation
- Solar Saves Lives
- Sole Food Farms
- Taking Root
- Team Broken Earth
- The Humane League
- The Institute for Non-Profit News
- The Well
- Toronto Parks
- Toujours Ensemble Verdun
- Trajectoire
- Two Wheel View
- Unicef
- Urban Ecology Centre of Montreal
- Vivre en ville
- Welcome Hall Mission
- Wikimedia
- Women’s habitat of Etobicoke
- World Wildlife Fund
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