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Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors is pleased to announce that Ahmed Hanafy has joined Philippe Dunsky, Raegan Bond and Alex Hill as a Partner in the firm.

Since joining Dunsky in 2016, Ahmed has played a pivotal role in growing the firm’s impact and work in decarbonizing energy systems. As Dunsky’s lead on electricity sector transformation, Ahmed advises utilities, governments, system operators and other stakeholders across North America on the critical technical, policy and regulatory changes facing the sector.

“Ahmed has consistently demonstrated his mastery of complex issues, his strategic insights and his ability to build strong relationships based on expertise and trust. I’m excited to be able to count on his passion, dedication and leadership as we continue to support our clients’ clean energy and climate goals.”

-Philippe Dunsky, President

Combining deep technical knowledge with strategic foresight, Ahmed’s work informs and shapes clients’ corporate strategy, system planning, and policy development efforts. Drawing on expertise in clean energy, energy storage, Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and other emerging technologies, he led numerous projects focused on transformative issues within the electricity sector such as electrification, DER enablement, grid modernization and utility business models.

As Partner, Ahmed will continue to advise clients and lead critical projects in his areas of expertise. He will also take on executive-level leadership for growth and innovation within the firm.

About Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors

Dunsky supports leading governments, utilities, corporations and others across North America in their efforts to accelerate the clean energy transition, effectively and responsibly. With deep expertise across the Buildings, Mobility, Industry and Energy supply sectors, our team of 50+ professionals supports clients in two ways: through rigorous Analysis (of technical, economic and market opportunities) and by designing or assessing leading Strategies (plans, programs and policies).

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