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The Nunacor Development Corporation—the business development arm of NunatuKavut—recently engaged Dunsky to help transition NunatuKavut’s 10 indigenous communities off the South Coast of Labrador towards a clean energy future. Currently served by isolated diesel power plants, Dunsky is helping Nunacor work with the utility to supply alternate clean energy and smart energy solutions to these communities.

Under Phase 1, Dunsky not only assessed clean energy options for reducing diesel dependency in the communities; we also examined options for structuring a new commercial clean energy entity to finance, build and/or operate these resources. Under Phase 2 of the study, Dunsky will develop a Sustainable Energy Plan to lay the foundation and set an approach to reduce diesel dependency in NunatuKavut communities. This will involve conducting community-specific energy assessments, prioritizing projects, and developing an implementation plan for project execution.

The transition to clean, renewable energy solutions represents a landmark opportunity for Nunacor and NunatuKavut Communities to reduce costs and carbon emissions, improve health and support community and Indigenous participation in developing new energy solutions. Dunsky is proud to contribute to this important project; one that we hope will serve as an inspiration to others.

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