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In this unprecedented year, Dunsky has been involved in unprecedented efforts to support municipalities as they move to play a key role in clean energy and decarbonization.

Earlier this year, Dunsky was retained by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) to design its two landmark, nationwide municipal energy efficiency programs: the $300M Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) program, and the $300M Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) program. Both programs are designed to help municipalities make homes more affordable for their owners and tenants, while significantly reducing emissions.

  • CEF supports municipalities and their partners in developing and implementing innovative financing programs to accelerate energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades in the single-family and small “plex” sectors.
  • SAH supports municipal, private non-profit and cooperative housing providers to offset the costs of building and retrofitting affordable housing to a higher energy performance standard and aims to achieve triple bottom line outcomes and support sector transformation.

In both mandates, Dunsky leveraged our deep pool of municipal and program financing talent to design first-of-their-kind programs in Canada.

A representative sample of our wide-ranging municipal work across Canada

Our firm has also been busy supporting individual municipalities. For example, the Regional Municipality of Durham, in Ontario, asked Dunsky to design a Residential Deep Energy Retrofit program to support homeowners in implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy retrofits. The program will offer a full-service, homeowner-centric delivery experience. It includes innovative and tailored solutions, such as an Energy Coach and a personalized Home Energy Roadmap, to support homeowners through the entire renovation journey. It also offers low-cost, long-term financing, all designed to make the path to deeper energy savings as easy and cost-effective as possible.

We have a lot of other exciting municipal leadership projects on the go, from Victoria to Halifax and many towns and cities – large and small – in between.

In this pandemic year more than ever, municipalities are doubling down on climate solutions like energy efficiency retrofits that support the health and well-being of their constituents, while keeping more money in the community’s economy. We are proud to be a trusted advisor and go-to firm for many leading municipalities across the continent.

For more information on how to access FCM funding, or if you are considering offering energy and climate saving programs to your constituents, please reach out and we’ll set a time to talk about whether and how we might be able to support you.

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