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The Dunsky team is pleased to be supporting the Association of Energy Services Professionals (AESP) in designing and delivering its new Certificate of Excellence in DSM Program Management program.

As a member of a Cadmus-led team, Dunsky led the development of the Program Design and Program Planning modules. And last month, Philippe Dunsky was in Oregon delivering the training to an initial cohort of energy efficiency professionals from across western states and provinces. Learning and networking opportunities – along with great wine and more – combined to make for a particularly enjoyable time!

Interested in training to improve the DSM knowledge of you or your staff? Registration is now open.

Program participants will move through the program in a cohort designed to optimize peer-to-peer learning and networking. Participants also collaborate as a team to develop and deliver a Capstone project at the conclusion of the program. Finally, the certificate is earned through mastery in course work dedicated to a range of topics and fields of study relevant for successful DSM program management.

For more information and a list of upcoming training opportunities, please contact us or visit AESP’s website.

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