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Gender equality has always been a core Dunsky value. Recently, we’ve moved to formalize this through our pledge to the Equal by 30 Campaign. Equal by 30 is a commitment by public and private organizations to work towards equal pay, leadership and opportunities for women and men across the clean energy sector by 2030.

As with all our work, continuous improvement is the order of the day. So while we’re proud of our efforts to date to ensure equality within our organisation, we are making three pledges as part of Equal by 30:

  1. We will take a proactive approach toward gender equality in our recruitment and career advancement policies and practices;
  2. We will highlight and support women in our organization, ensuring that the spotlight is shone equally.
  3. We will actively share our experiences – and seek to learn from others’ – so that we can continuously improve over time.

Half of the talent, skills and heart on this planet is female. We owe it to ourselves – women and men alike – to harness those capabilities to the fullest possible extent, and in the fairest of ways.

If you’re interested in joining Equal by 30, or otherwise in sharing ways to speed up the race toward gender equality, please reach out.

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