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In order to accelerate adoption of low-carbon fuels for vehicles, the Government of Canada recently launched phase 2 of its Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative (EVAFIDI). To help design the latest, $120M round, it turned to the Dunsky team.

NRCan retained Dunsky to assess the implementation of phase 1, and to advise on the design of phase 2. Dunsky first conducted consultations with approximately 30 organizations across Canada, including utilities and provincial/territorial governments, in order to understand both existing and potential future EV charging and alternative fueling infrastructure projects.

Findings from these consultations will help to ensure that phase 2 of EVAFIDI is designed to maximize opportunities for collaboration and make the most of the available funding. The program has launched the first request for proposals for phase 2 and will be accepting applications until March 22, 2018.

Dunsky recently completed work on electric and other low-carbon transportation options for several governments and utilities, and looks forward to reporting on new work – including an exciting new model to assess the potential for transportation-related energy and carbon savings.


Photo credit: Tony Crawford, Énergie NB Power.

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