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The Dunsky team is hard at work supporting clients on the energy transition. Here’s a sampling of what we’re working on…

  • Potential studies: new energy efficiency and demand response potential studies
  • Program designs: new programs to support energy efficiency in residential and commercial markets
  • Financing: new PACE and non-PACE financing programs, aimed at residential retrofits, commercial retrofits and green heating systems
  • Evaluation: evaluation plans to measure program and portfolio performance, and an evaluation of the market transformation impacts of lighting programs
  • Carbon: achieving 85% economy-wide greenhouse gas reductions from energy efficiency, renewables, electrification of heating and mobility and non-energy opportunities
  • Mobility: charging infrastructure planning, V2G technology for buses and more
  • More: balanced scorecards, municipal plans, efficiency administration and delivery models, solar adoption forecasts, innovative engagement tools and more…

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